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Courses To Go

LanguageMania also offers a multitude of pre-designed courses and training programs that you can take with you wherever you go and learn wherever you are!   Want to boost your vocabulary during a walk or workout? Want to practice expressions while washing dishes? Or maybe you just like learning on your own but want a course designed by an expert in language education rather than a random algorithm? Explore our options for self-teaching done right!

"Our pedantic mania for instruction is always leading us to teach children the things they would learn better on their own accord. "

Jean-Jacques Rousseau 

LanguageMania Products

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Iwona is an excellent teacher. It's not just that she knows German so well. It's that she knows how to *teach* German - which makes a big difference. We always did a variety of exercises in class, and Iwona was very good at making language learning fun. The time always went by so fast! Learning German online, via Skype, had most of the benefits of one-on-one instruction in person, but it was much more time- and cost-effective. I could access the exercises for class and drop off completed assignments in a shared file system online. Since I took classes from my own home, I could go right on to my next task for the day after German class. Learning with Iwona was a great experience all around. I highly recommend her!

Michael W.

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